Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Downloading websites to view offline using HTTrack

If you live where you regularly face Internet connection problems it is always a good idea to download the website which you refer to regularly. You can save the pages using the browsers default save page options but it can get tiresome to save all the pages of the website one-by-one and there is no definite structure to it which can make it very confusing. But using a free utility program called HTTrack you can do all the above tasks very easily.

HTTrack Website Copier
HTTrack is a free utility program which helps the user to download webpages or entire websites including all the the linked webpages for offline browsing. You can browse the downloaded pages link to link giving you the experience of browsing the website online. Actually its just like creating a mirror of the website on your local drive. It also allows you to create filters if you don't want to download some specific type of files.


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