As the Internet is getting more popular, different types of security vulnerabilities are exploited everyday. One such security threat is presented by the active content on the web like javascript , flash, silverlight etc. The user may not even know, when he or she fell victim to it. Now there are many security measures you can take against it and one of the best is NoScript Firefox addon.
NoScript is a very popular Firefox addon. It is one of the most recommended security addon on the net. What it basically does is stop any active content from executing in your browser without permission. You can choose the websites you trust and allow active contents from them to execute. Some of its important features are
- It protects the user from harmful server-side active content and scripts.
- It provides client-side protection against cross site scripting attack.
- It protects the user from Clickjacking attacks.
- It can force the browser to always use HTTPS.
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