Saturday, June 11, 2011

Live streaming for mobile phones using QIK

Today mostly everybody owns a mobile phone and most of them have video recording facility. But sharing videos taken from mobile have always been difficult. You could record them and then send them to whom you want, but till then it loses its charm. But what if you could stream the video live from your mobile itself ?. Many of you may think its a joke. Frankly it can be done very easily using a service called QIK.

QIK is a very popular mobile app and service which allows the users to stream the video live from the mobile. You can also you it for two way video conferencing. some of its other features are
  • It shows the location, where the video is being recorded using google map.
  • You have option whether you want the video to be seen by everybody or you can restrict it to be more private.
  • You can also mail the video directly to your friends.

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