Saturday, April 2, 2011

LIGHTWORKS (Free alternative to Sony Vegas and PowerDirector)

Now-a-days mostly everybody owns a video recorder, be it in the form of cam-corder or a cellphone. Hundreds of videos are shot using this devices, this videos are raw and need some editing and finishing touches and for that you need a good video editing software. There are wide range of video editing software out there in the market, but they are too costly and are of no use to individuals who want to do just basic editing. It will be stupidity to waste so much money on the high-end programs like Sony Vegas and Adobe PowerDirector for basic editing of home videos. Mostly all windows users will be familiar with the in-built Windows Movie Maker but i personally feel it inadequate because it does not support all the formats, Crashes many times, can't save big files and the video quality is also not that good. So here is a free video editing software which has recently been shifted to open source.

Now you will think that it is one of the many free video editing software with very less functionality but what if i say that the recent academy award wining movie "The King's Speech" was completely edited using this software. surprised? but its true, and not only king's speech other famous films like "Pulp Fiction", "The Departed", "Centurion" etc were also edited using this software. It has all the advanced features like other costly softwares like shot sync, 3rd party plugin support , support for many i/o mediums etc to see full list of features CLICK HERE
It supports all major operating systems including windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit), and also supports popular graphics card like Nvidia and ATI. Now you can enjoy Academy award wining technology for no cost. Here is the link to download it    DOWNLOAD 
So friends download it and support the Open Source movement.

UPDATE:- Looks like there have been some changes, now Lightworks is being provided under a free 30-days renewable license. Here is the new download link DOWNLOAD

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