Friday, January 14, 2011


Now-a-days mostly every public places like restaurants, airports, college campus have WI-FI Hotspots, to which people connect without giving a second thought to their security. Some wi-fi hotspots are well protected, but mostly all of them provide very feeble security to the user. Such unprotected hotspots are open treat to the hackers and Script kiddies. They can easily sniff or capture packets travelling to and fro from your laptop. But the most dangerous thing the hacker can do is steal the target's authenticating cookies using Http session hijacking attack. The recent popular firefox addon Firesheep has made this attack very easy, so much easy that even a first grader would be able to use it to compromise your Facebook, twitter and othe social networking accounts. so here are some software useful to save one self from such attacks.

BLACKSHEEP (firefox addon) :- This is a counter measure to the Firesheep addon. What the blacksheep does is it drops a ‘fake’ session ID information on the wire and then monitors traffic to see if it has been hijacked, if it spots Firesheep in the network it notifies the user.

HotSpot Shield :- The hotspot shield protects the packets traveling to and fro the user by encrypting the packets using the HTTPS encryption. It creates a virtual private network (VPN) between your laptop or iPhone and our Internet gateway thus making your online activities anounymous to third party websites and IPSs. It can used on both wireless and wired network and it supports all major operating systems.
DOWNLOAD Hotspot Shield

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