Friday, July 16, 2010

Thruth about the RAM freeing softwares.

I have seen many people using RAM freeing softwares, without understanding what the softwares actually do. To understand their working lets take some time to understand what really a RAM is and what it does. i will make it quick.
Basically RAM is a high speed memory device just like a hard-drive. When a program is initiated the program gets loaded into the RAM and then executed, as the data transfer can be done at high speed in a RAM. So RAM is just like a work table for the program to run and it makes no difference whether your RAM is full because empty space in RAM is just wasted, instead its actually good that RAM is fully utilized. Don't worry even if the RAM is full and working at the edge, it wont get don't go for any of this RAM freeing software instead if you think that your RAM is not enough upgrade it. Now-days RAMs have become very cheap and it will definitely benefit in the long run.

NOTE:- If anybody disagree please feel free to comment.

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