Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bypass Compulsory Web Registration

Are you fed up of sites which force you to register to access their information or to get extra privileges?. The web is supposed to be a symbol of freedom., were every information is available to the users without any restriction. But today websites are promoting a closed system where only people registered with them are granted information and privileges. Many netizens won't mind registering but the thing like spams, unwanted newsletters etc which show themselves in the users inbox after registering is simply a headache. But every lock has its key. So here are some sites and addon which may solve your problem. 
Many of you may be familiar with BugMeNot and must have expected it to be the first suggestion but BugMeNot has become old and too famous to carry out it's work smoothly. Many of the important websites like NyTimes are blocked. So here is a alternative, a less popular website providing the same service. Just go to the website enter the address of the site whose username and password you want. The most popular ones with higher rate of success show up at the top. Select one of them and enjoy a free world.
Click Here To Visit The Website


This is a more popular site which provides the bypassing service but has become some what crippled, but still may be good for many site. Test your luck.
 Click Here to visit the website 

There is also a BugMeNot firefox addon which makes it more easier to use the service, just right-click on the login field and select "login with BugMeNot" . The fields are automatically field.
Download The Addon

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