Internet Relay Chat has been one of the most important mode of communication on the Internet from the beginning. The basic technology has seen very little change through all this years but the its importance has never declined. I personally am a big fan of irc and my irc client is always on, mostly taking logs of the channels i like. But sometimes it gets tiring siting in front of the screen for hours while some interesting discussions are going on. This is where your android phone can be very useful. Laying back with your android irc client running you can follow the discussions for hours. So here is one of the popular irc client for android phones.
Andchat is a multiserver irc client for the android phones. It is small, easy-to-use and free. Some of its important features are
To learn more or download it CLICK HERE
Or you can download it using the QR code. Just scan it with your QR code reader and it will take you to the download page.
Andchat is a multiserver irc client for the android phones. It is small, easy-to-use and free. Some of its important features are
- Multi-Server support
- SSL Support (very important for some channels)
- Chat logging (for me this is one of the most important features because i mostly visit channels related to software development and technical stuff. So the chat logs are very useful for later references.)
- Name highlighting and timestamps.
- Encryption to protect access to password protected Servers.
- Multi-Charset support

Or you can download it using the QR code. Just scan it with your QR code reader and it will take you to the download page.
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