Wednesday, April 27, 2011

View Wikipedia Offline Using Kiwix (Tutorial)

Imagine humanity is ending and you can preserve just one thing for your future generation, what will it be? i would surely answer Wikipedia. According to me the most important thing on the Internet after Google is Wikipedia. Can you even imagine completing projects and assignments without Wikipedia, atleast not me. But think for some reason you get cutoff from the internet and are not able use Wikipedia, nightmare isn't it. You have to be satisfied with Encyclopedia or Encarta whose scope is very restricted. Wikipedia must have also considered this dooms day scenario, so they provide dumps or compressed files containing all the articles on Wikipedia to use offline. So here is the way to view Wikipedia offline using the software Kiwix.

Kiwix is a open source offline web reader especially used to read Wikipedia articles stored in ZIM format ( ZIM is an open, standardized file format to store Wiki content efficiently for offline usage. It is very efficient and can store nearly 9,00,000 articles in just 1.3 GB ). To view Wikipedia offline follow the below procedure.

STEP 1) First download and install Kiwix software. DOWNLOAD.

STEP 2) If you just want the wikipedia articles in you native language CLICK HERE to download.
              and if you want complete Wikipedia Dump CLICK HERE to download.

STEP 3) Open this Zim files in Kiwix and you are all set to browse the articles. ENJOY.

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